I'm currently pursuing research in simulations of human economic behaviour that can guide policy making. Said differently, I'm exploring whether computer simulations of whole societies can tell us something about how our world compares with hypothetical alternatives so that we have a better way of judging new political ideas.
Relatedly I'm interested in building whole-economy digital twins that track various real-world entities and their attributes as a way to improve government and central bank statistics and models.
I'm looking for social and computer scientists who are interested in collaborating with me on this, especially those with a background in social behaviour, machine learning, macroeconomics or agent-based modelling.
I am also interested in collaborating with organisations who are using these tools to solve commercial problems in order to learn more about approaches, solve interesting problems and potentially complete a PhD in this field.
My skills reside in asking the right questions and programming potential solutions. Some of the programs I've written in this area so far are published here and here.
I am currently enrolled in the Master of Applied Economics at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland to pursue these research interests.
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